Simplify The Sales Process With Measure Square

  • 03 May, 2022
  • Keelyn
  • Best Practices

Empowering interior finish companies of all sizes to provide their best work is precisely what Measure Square is all about. Measure Square software is so sophisticated that it can even assist with streamlining a sales process through automation. 

Companies nationwide are constantly faced with challenges in the industry, and sometimes those problems can manifest in your sales procedures. Taking a look at the unique abilities that Measure Square software offers can make a process so much simpler for your business. 

Answer this question. 

How long is your sales process? Does it take hours? Day? Weeks? 

Then ask, how is that prolonging your business? In what area of your business could you make that process easier for you and the customer?

If your business goals include automating your sales process, look no further than support from Measure Square. By automating this process, you have the potential to increase the capacity to close deals.

How To Build A Sales Process With Measure Square

All successful ventures start with the creation of the project and end with a solid sales proposal. We suggest integrating a portion of your sales cycle process to shorten the window. 

An example of this is below. This flow includes; 

  • Spec-Intel, Integrated Product Management Software
  • MeasureSquare 8 Commercial Estimating
  • Salesforce CD/Data Structure, Construction Finance

REMINDER! MeasureSquare Software integrates with many popular accounting and B2B inventory systems currently used. Check out more on

Integration reduces the time it takes to produce a sales proposal by automating the MeasureSquare to a CRM or Quoting package software like Structure.

How To Build A Sales Process With Measure Square

  • Spec-Intel creates the product databases that users import into MeasureSquare.
  • MeasureSquare creates the project and uploads the estimates into Measure Square Cloud.
  • MeasureSquare data is sent to your CRM software or a quoting software like Structure, which adds pricing information for each product. 
  • Finally, you can use the final breakdown in your sales proposals, reducing errors and improving customer experience.

With less time needed to create sales proposals, you can increase the close rate on estimation projects and improve your bottom line. 

Customized To Fit Your Business’s Needs

The real bottom line is: adding MeasureSquare to your CRM software or quoting software integration is just one way we can help increase the effectiveness of your estimations. 

Contact us today to demo how we can help your business grow.

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