Hands-On Deployment Made Easy For Estimators And Sales Reps Alike

  • 21 Jul, 2017
  • Steven
  • Best Practices

It’s summertime, meaning busy season is upon us in the flooring industry. There are a great deal of bids to win, and making time for training new estimators and sales reps on our program may seem like a daunting task. The MeasureSquare video tutorials, while extremely helpful, don’t seem like enough for someone starting from the beginning, and maybe you don’t have three hours to set aside at one time for an online training session with us.

While this may be your reality, and it may be causing a dilemma for your deployment in the MeasureSquare program, we have a solution that will make the training process run more smoothly for you and your new estimators or sales reps. Presenting the Measure Square Udemy course for our iOS app! An option that allows students to learn at their own pace, while engaging in practice exercises and activities that help them retain the concepts as they go. Each module contains video content that demonstrates how to utilize different aspects of the app, exercises and homework to help students practice the concepts, and quizzes to test how well they learned and are progressing. And you are able to check in on their progress to make sure they are doing all the assignments and learning the app well.

And the best part is…it’s completely FREE for you! Yep. You read that right–F.R.E.E. Once your student completes the course, they receive a certificate for the class, and you have an estimator and/or sales rep that is well-versed in the MeasureSquare workflow. It’s a win for all!

If you are interested in having your estimators try this training (or just want to brush up on some of the features in the app, yourself), click this link to login, using the password measuresquare1. If you have any questions or suggestions for the course, feel free to contact our course manager, Jim Riherd, at jim@measuresquare.com. Don’t sacrifice efficiency and effectiveness, just because you think you don’t have time. We are always here to give you all of the above.

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