A Trainer’S Perspective From The Field: Key Factors To Successful Software Deployment

  • 18 Aug, 2018
  • Steven
  • Best Practices

In an era where technology and software are becoming more and more prevalent, deploying software solution is a challenging process. Onsite training is still the most effective approach to deployment, especially for large multi-location operations with a large number of users with different software background.

Deployment planning and preparation is the key

Building a strong connection starts from the first phone call or email and lasts long after the basics have been mastered. With our training workshops brought to your door, Measure Square finds a way to not only convey the technical information that your team needs to digest to get up to speed with modern estimating technology, but also works hard to build a strong relationship forged through hard work and a real understanding of how your estimating teams actually function.

Our team is dedicated to providing the most thorough training for you. This requires effort on the part of both the company and our support staff, as both prepare for training and deployment. On our side of things, we are busy coordinating the class schedule, preparing all the training documents, making sure the latest video tutorials are posted and available, and all estimators are licensed and have access to the software prior to the training.

Intensive real world exercises in class are vital

Whether your estimators are industry veterans coming to technology with real world mastery, or a young tech savvy new hire who needs to learn the lay of the land, our instructors work hard to make sure that your team is up to speed and ready to bring their new skills back to the office. It is our goal, through on-site trainings, to make sure you and your team can not only receive in-depth, hands-on knowledge about the program, but also to put a friendly and knowledgeable face in front of you, so that you can always feel comfortable reaching out to us whenever you require additional assistance.

During class, trainers worked tirelessly to demonstrate the key functions of the software, and trainees focused in on practicing the workflow while asking thoughtful and challenging questions. The trainers used sample projects provided by the company, so estimators could see the program put to use in a way that would meet their unique needs in the field. The questions were tailored specifically to their everyday experiences with measuring and estimation, and they were given detailed practice assignments and homework to reinforce the concepts taught in class.

Follow-up support is necessary

One of the most critical aspects of the learning process is building and maintaining a supportive environment. While the initial trainings with our most recent roll out and training process for a larger company were a smashing success, we understood that the users would need some time with the product–a chance to implement it on the job, so they could evaluate and determine any additional issues or questions they needed help with. Therefore, we planned for a round of refresher webinars to answer those lingering questions and reaffirm the team driven approach to rolling out a new estimating solution. This required remaining in touch with management and the estimators to see how they were getting along with the product.

Management support and vision alignment with all efforts is a must.

The last and equally important part of this deployment process is management support on both sides. This is crucial to ensure that a clear vision is established between us and the customer, as well as within the higher level management and the estimators of the company utilizing our product. One of the best ways to ensure that that estimators are onboard with the transition to using MeasureSquare is for the higher level management to very vocal and present with the deployment process. Showing up to trainings, remaining in constant contact with our team, coordinating times for the trainers and estimators to socialize outside of class are all excellent ways to cultivate a strong partnership while sending a clear message that this is the direction the company is taking and sticking with.

On our end, Steven shows support for the deployment process within larger companies by remaining in constant contact with upper management throughout this entire process. He schedules calls and plans meetings to discuss how MeasureSquare can help each company fulfill its estimating goals. As he receives the plan of action, he brings it back to the trainers to begin the process of crafting a deployment plan that suits the outlined needs that were dictated. Throughout the process, Steven continues to check in and follow up with our support staff and the company to make sure everything’s running smoothly.

In addition to management being on the same page and clearly communicating the vision to both the trainers and estimators, it is important to have a support staff that is constantly ready to assist when problems arise within the program, so that continued use of our product is still easy for our customers. Here at Measure Square, we emphasize the importance of providing excellent customer service. We have built our brand upon this ideal. We are committed to approaching each issue our customers encounter individually, with high-level focus so we can resolve them quickly and correctly. As well, we take the feedback from our customers through support calls and use it to improve on our product to better fit their needs.

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