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Tile Calculator

Estimate tile square feet with actual grout, sizes and cuts

MeasureSquare Tile Calculator estimates ceramic tile layout accurately with room measurement sizes, and it generates professional tile layout with selected layout directions.
Tile Calculator can be used by professional flooring tile installers, homeowners/DIYers to estimate tile usage and cost efficiently. It works for both metric and imperial measurement system.

Tile layout estimating features

Tile layout direction matters for both tile usage and waste ratio

– Tiles can be laid out in any angle (0, 45, 90, 135) to create a design aligned with a room layout
– Use layout direction to play with the options to optimize usages and waste

Start point matters for the layout to be balanced across the tiling area

– Select from Center, Top Left, Top Right, and Bottom Left, Bottom Right options
– Use your door entry as a starting reference point

Try different tile sizes and match with grout width

– Tile sizes should match with a grout width so it looks good
– It effects tile material usages and design as well, try different size tiles

Tile cut and reuse options for pro tile installers

– There are a few cut options for waste estimation in the Advanced Setting
– Use it to optimize tile usage with different cut methods (Waste Addon, Half Reuse, Cut & Fit)

Email measurement and estimate report to yourself or a local store

– Email or print this measurement report and bring it to a local store to get a quote for your tile project
– It saves their time and cost to get your flooring job done faster

Tile patterns and more advanced tile designs

– Check out MeasureSquare professional tile pattern layout and pattern designers
– Find out: MeasureSquare Commercial for Kitchen and Shower Tile Design

Commercial Tile Pattern Design and Layout for Tile Contractors

MeasureSquare Commercial Edition provides professional tile design and layout software for pros. To find out details, please visit :